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Lifestyle encompasses an individual's interests, opinions, behaviors, and behavioral orientations, as well as those of a group or culture. This concept was first introduced by Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler in his 1929 book, The Case of Miss R., where he defined it as the fundamental character of a person established during childhood. The broader definition of lifestyle as a "way or style of living" has been recognized since 1961. It is a combination of both tangible and intangible factors. Tangible factors are related to demographic variables, such as an individual's demographic profile, while intangible factors pertain to the psychological aspects of an individual, including personal values, preferences, and perspectives.

The lifestyle of individuals living in rural areas differs from those in urban metropolises. Even within an urban setting, location plays a significant role. The characteristics of a neighborhood impact the range of lifestyles available to its residents, influenced by variations in affluence levels and proximity to natural and cultural environments. For instance, coastal areas often foster a surf culture or lifestyle.

A person's lifestyle typically reflects their attitudes, way of life, values, and worldview. It serves as a means of establishing a sense of self and creating cultural symbols that align with personal identity. However, not all aspects of a lifestyle are voluntary. Social and technological systems surrounding an individual can limit the available lifestyle choices and the symbols they can project to others and themselves.

In modern society, the boundaries between personal identity and the everyday actions that signify a particular lifestyle have become blurred. For example, adopting a "green lifestyle" involves holding beliefs and engaging in activities that minimize resource consumption and waste production, resulting in a smaller ecological footprint. Individuals derive a sense of self from embracing these beliefs and participating in such activities. Some commentators argue that lifestyle choices have become intertwined with personal identity.

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